The results of the genetic association studies compiled in this database are organized primarily by gene systems: serotonergic, dopaminergic, noradrenergic, neurotrophic, GABAnergic, glutamatergic, and HPA axis genes. The "Other" category contains genes that were subject of one or a very few association studies exploring genetic predisposition to suicidal behaviors. This information is updated monthly.
Studies included in the database were identified through PubMed using the following search syntax: (SUIC* OR suicide OR "suicidal behavior" OR suicidality OR "suicidal thoughts" OR "suicidal ideation" OR "suicidal ideas" OR parasuicide OR "suicide attempts" OR "suicide completions") AND (gene OR allele OR "gene association" OR "genetic association" polymorphism OR "gene variant" OR "gene variation") AND ("english"[Language]) NOT "suicide gene" NOT "suicide genes" NOT "gene therapy."
The studies examining either categorical or continuous suicidal outcomes were considered. Most investigated gene associations in relation to suicide, suicide attempts, and suicidal ideas. Genetic data tables may be accessed by clicking on the appropriate system, if applicable, on the left navigation bar. Once the requested page is loaded, accordion tabs identify individual genes (Serotonin transporter) or genes belonging to a related subgroup of genes (e.g. serotonin receptors). If available, 'Rs' numbers are provided in table legends (eg. TPH1 gene).
Association results are organized in individual tables. Each gene is represented by one table. In each data table, associations of phenotypes with alleles, genotypes, or haplotypes are coded as +, if positive; -, if negative; or NS, if statistically nonsignificant. Where reported, allele/genotype/haplotype identity and associated odds ratios or p values are also indicated. To open a gene panel, click on its upper right corner.