Gene Candidates





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Notch Homolog 4 (NOTCH4)
Variant Association Phenotype Notes Author


Allelic: ns
Genotypic: ns
Suicide attempts

Ethnicity: Caucasian, Stockholm County 

Carmine, 2003
Cases: schizophrenic patients [n:74, M:61%, ages: 22-90]

Healthy controls: n: 135, M:67%, ages: 25-86

(CTG)n Allelic: ns
Genotypic: ns

Notes: no association with endophenotypes, DR2 density, or CSF monoamine metabolites; corrected for multiple testing; SNP2 associated with irritability and (CTG)n with extraversion

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=males

Neurotrophin Receptor p75NTR (NGFR)
Variant Association Phenotype Notes Author



Genotypic: ns Suicide attempts

Ethnicity: African American (N:29) and European Americans (N:174)

McGregor  2007
Cases: 203 childhood-onset mood disorder (COMD) cases, including 102 attempters (F:77; mean age: 25.26± 3.88)  and 101 nonattempters (F:59; mean age: 25.31 ±4.24)

Nonpsychiatric sex/ethnicity matched controls: N: 192

Notes: no association with COMD risk

S205L Allelic: ns Suicide attempts Ethnicity: Japanese   Kunugi, 2004
Cases: patients with major depression [F:105 M:59; mean age: 49.5±12.7], including 46 suicide attempters
Matched nonpsychiatric controls  [F:105 , M:59; mean age:47.4±9.5]
Notes: L205 significantly less frequent in depressed patients, especially those with a history of suicide attempts

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=males

Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
Variant Association Phenotype Notes Author
rs6265 Genotypic:ns Suicide attempts Etnicity: Slovenian and Caucasian Zarrilli, 2009
Control: n=250
Cases: n=262
(mean age: 49.3 ± 17.6 vs. 50.3 ±18.5; t=.544;P=.587) (M/F: 167/83 vs. 188/74; χ²=.224; P=.250)














Suicide attempts;

5HTT availability

Etnicity: Causasian Henningsson, 2009
Notes: technic; Spect
Val66Met (rs6265) Genotypic:+, Val/Val , relapse, OR 2.62,p=.019 post-treatment relapse in alcohol dependence Ethnicity: Causasian Wojnar, 2009
Cases: 154 patients with alcohol dependence (mean age:43,7 ± 9,6, F: 24%). 66 (43%) reported a suicid attempt.

Val66Met (rs6265)

Genotypic:+,GA/AA, OR 2.64 (1.23-5.70)

Suicide attempts

Cases: 97 depressed suicide attempters (mean age:38.7 ±12.3, F: 75.3%) and 73 nonattempters (mean age:41.2 ±11.9, F: 61.6%)

Sarchiapone, 2008
Notes: no interaction between Val66Met genotype and emotional abuse.







Suicide attempts Ethnicity: Caucasian Vincze, 2008

Allelic: ns

Genotypic: ns

Cases: Bipolar suicide attempters (n:176,mean age:42.9 ±11.2, F:104) or nonattempters (n:254,mean age:43.2 ±14.2, F:121)
370 controls (mean age:44.2 ±11.0, F:125)

Allelic: ns

Genotypic: ns

Notes: 5HTTLPR showed neither main nor interaction effect with G196A.


Genotypic:+,Val/Val, sexually abused, p=.003


suicide attempts

Cases: 813 suicide attempters (mean age:39.8 ±12.9, F: 585), including 198 violent attempters (F:112, mean age: 40.7±11.7) and 615 nonviolent attempters (F:473, mean age: 39.45±13.2)

Perroud, 2007
Notes: no interaction between Val66Met genotype and severity of sexual abuse, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical neglect or abuse or age at onset and number of attempts. The severity of most types of childhood maltreatment associated with the number and onset of attempts
Val66Me Allelic:+,Met,p=.002 Suicidal behavior Ethnicity: Japanese Iga, 2007
Cases: n:154 (F:84; mean age: 45.1±15.2) major depressive patients
Controls: N:154(F:84; mean age: 45.0±15.0) sex- and age-matched controls
Notes: also examined link with mood disorder


Genotypic: ns Suicide attempts Ethnicity: Chinese, Taiwan  Hwang, 2006

Cases: geriatric depressive patients: n:110 (F: 47); mean age: 75.0 ± 5.3

Community controls:  n: 171 (F:78); mean age 76.0±5.5 years
Notes: met allele overrepresented in depressed patients
Val66Met Genotypic: ns Suicide attempts Ethnicity: Chinese Hong, 2003
Cases: patients with major depression (n:84) or bipolar disorder (n:108) with no other Axis I diagnoses  [F:117, M:75; mean age: 44.1±15.9], including 67 suicide attempters
Nonpsychiatric controls: F:231, M:161; mean age:44.8±21.4]

Notes: no association with major depression

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=malesVal66Met=rs6265 (G196A)