Gene Candidates





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Glutamate Decarboxylase 1 (GAD1)
Variant Association Phenotype Notes Author
C661T Allelic: ns
Suicide attempts

Ethnicity: mostly Caucasian, with 11 families of African or Asian ancestry

De Luca 2004

Sample: family triads with histories of schizophrenia (n:112); 46 case-control pairs matched for age, sex, ethnicity

Notes: negative TDT results for association with schizophrenia; no association with suicidal behavior treated as a continuous variable

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=males

Glutamate Decarboxylase 2 (GAD2)
Variant Association Phenotype Notes Author
StyI Allelic: ns
Suicide attempts

Ethnicity: mostly Caucasian, with 11 families of African or Asian ancestry

De Luca 2004
Sample: family triads with histories of schizophrenia (n:112); 46 case-control pairs matched for age, sex, ethnicity
Notes: negative TDT results for association with schizophrenia; no association with suicidal behavior treated as a continuous variable

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=males