Gene Candidates





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Corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH)
Variant Association Phenotype Sample Information Author





Allelic: ns

Suicide attempts

Ethnicity: Caucasian and Ukrainian


Wasserman, 2007

Analyses conducted in a. screening sample  (272 family trios whose offspring had suicidal history); b. replication sample (27o family trios; age of offspring 24.0±7.2; F: 48.9%; 26.7% attempted suicide)

Notes: Bonferroni-corrected

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=Males

Corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1)
Variant Association Phenotype Sample Information Author



Allelic: ns

Genotypic: ns

Suicide attempts Origin: Spanish

Papiol, 2007

Cases: 159 depressive patients (F:124; mean age: 39.5±12.2), including 24 suicide attempters
Controls: 96 (F:41; mean age: 35.1±10.3) individuals without mental illness
Notes: also examined CRHR2, CRH-BP, FKBP5; CRHR1 (rs110402) linked to depressive disorder characteristics & CRHR2 (rs2270007) to citalopram response




Alelic: +, T,

p= 0.002, individuals exposed to low stress levels

Suicide attempts

Ethnicity: Caucasian and Ukrainian


Wasserman, 2007

Analyses conducted in a. screening sample  (272 family trios whose offspring had suicidal history); b. replication sample (27o family trios; age of offspring 24.0±7.2; F: 48.9%; 26.7% attempted suicide)

rs1396862 Alelic: ns Notes: rs4792887 association especially strong in depressed men (P= 0.001); Bonferroni-corrected

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=Males

Corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 2 (CRHR2)

Variant Association Phenotype Notes Author




Allelic: ns

Genotypic: ns

Suicide attempts Origin: Spanish Papiol, 2007
Cases: 159 depressive patients (F:124; mean age: 39.5±12.2), including 24 suicide attempters
Controls: 96 individuals without mental illness (F:41; mean age:35.1±10.3)
Notes: also examined CRHR1, CRH-BP, FKBP5; CRHR1 (rs110402) linked to depressive disorder characteristics and CRHR2 (rs2270007) to citalopram response.


Allelic: ns

Severity of suicidal behavior


Cases: 194 females and 118 males with bipolar disorder from 312 nuclear families (mean age: 35.36± 10.37 SD), including 267 patients with suicide ideas or attempts

De Luca, 2007

(GT)n Allelic: +, 3, p = 0.027
(GAT)n Allelic: ns Notes: overall associations of single markers and haplotypes are negative and only post hoc tests appear to be significant; association with bipolar disorder; suicidality assessed quantitatively and coded as follows: 0 = absence of suicide/death thoughts, 1 = thoughts of death, 2 = suicide ideation, 3 = suicide plan, 4=suicide attempt

Haplotypic: +, 5-2-3, p=.004

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=Males

CRH binding protein(CRH-BP)

Variant Association Phenotype Notes Author



Allelic: ns

Genotypic: ns

Suicide attempts Origin: Spanish Papiol, 2007
Cases: 159 depressive patients (F:124; mean age: 39.5±12.2), including 24 suicide attempters
Controls: 96 individuals without mental illness (F:41; mean age:35.1±10.3)
Notes: also examined CRHR1, CRHR2, FKBP5; CRHR1 (rs110402) linked to depressive disorder characteristics and CRHR2 (rs2270007) to citalopram response.

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=Males

FK506 binding protein 5(FKBP5)

Variant Association Phenotype Notes Author
rs1360780 rs3800373 Genotypic: s rs1360780TT rs3800373GG p=0.025 suicidal behavior in adolescents participating in the Treatment of SSRI-Resistant Depression in Adolescents (TORDIA) Origin: European Brent, 2009
Patients: 155 depressed adolescents
participating in the Treatment of SSRI-Resistant Depression
Notes: Also investigated

DAT1                             DAT1 40-bp VNTR
GRIK2                            rs2518224
ADRB1 (145)               rs1801252
ADRB1 C1781             rs3730284
ADRB1 G183A            rs3729604
BDNF                             rs6265
TPH1 1606                  rs4757610
TPH1 218                     rs1800532
TPH1 3792                  rs623580
HT2A 102                    rs6313
HTR2A (-1438)          rs6311
HTR2A 2416              rs2070040
HTR2A (His452Tyr) rs6314
NET 1287                   rs5569
SLC6A4- intron2 VNTR
GRIA3                            rs5569


Allelic: ns

Genotypic: ns

Suicide attempts Origin: Spanish Papiol, 2007
Cases: 159 depressive patients (F:124; mean age: 39.5±12.2), including 24 suicide attempters
Controls: 96 individuals without mental illness (F:41; mean age:35.1±10.3)
Notes: also examined CRHR1, CRHR2, CRH-BP; CRHR1 (rs110402) linked to depressive disorder characteristics and CRHR2 (rs2270007) to citalopram response.

Notes: += positive,significant; - =negative,significant; ns= nonsignificant; F=females; M=Males